Year Program
Certificate in Addictions Counselling
(New credetial and in process of waiting for loan approval)
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This 36 credit program is designed to fulfill the educational requirements of the Canadian Addictions Counsellor Certification Federation (CACCF) for the Canadian Certified Addictions Counsellor certification (CCAC). CACCF is the gold standard certification for addiction-specific counselors in Canada and Internationally and is the current Canadian Addiction Workforce Regulator.
Students will learn the essential skills and requirements to work with individuals experiencing a substance use disorder, as well as the impact of growing up in families where substance use has been problematic.
This program is designed for those wishing to work in a secular or faith-based setting and will be taught from a Christian faith-based perspective, recognizing everyone in treatment as being created in God’s image. It will provide the student with an overview of the Bible, an understanding God’s love for all His children, and developing the tools to serve God with passion and excellence in the field of addiction counseling.
Completion of the Program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for the student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- Successful completion of all required courses
- A growing, Spirit-directed Christian experience
- Approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
- Demonstrated ability to engage professionally with clients and apply ethical and professional competencies.
Course Requirements:
*These course requirements are representative and appear for informational purposes only. Please consult the Program Director for the most up to date program requirements.Bible/Theology (9 credit hours)
- BBL 100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- THO 100 Christian Theology (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
General Arts (6 credit hours)
Professional Studies (21 credit hours)
- SSC150 Introduction to Addiction Counseling and Treatment Methodologies (3)
- SSC153 Addiction Counseling Skills I (3)
- SSC250 Human Development for Addictions Counseling (3)
- SSC251 Assessment, Screening and Use of Self (Suicide Intervention) (3)
- SSC252 Ethics and Behavioral Addictions (Relapse Prevention and Family Systems) (3)
- SSC351 Case Management, Grief and Relational Violence (3)
- FE132 Field Education I (1)
- SSC200 Addictions Counseling Practicum (external placement) (2)
Notation: As stated above, additional clinical supervision and work hours are required by CACCF for certification as an addictions counselor.
Profile of a Graduating Student with the Addiction Counselling Certificate
A graduating student will:
- Demonstrate growth in understanding the impact of a substance use disorder.
- Demonstrate a respectful style of interaction with clients, recognizing they are receiving confidential and sacred personal information when someone shares their personal story.
- Have a clear understanding of confidentiality in all their client interactions.
- Recognize that all people carry within them the image of God, share in the brokenness of humanity, and therefore walk alongside their clients who also experience brokenness.
Career Path Options
Upon completion of this certificate, the student will have the educational requirements to enter the certification process with the Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation (CACCF) for the Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor (CCAC) designation; and designation as an International Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICADC).
CACCF is the recognized certifying agency for addictions counselors in Canada. ICADC is administered through CACCF.
Provinces and U.S. States each regulate counselling and addictions treatment programs. Regulations vary from location to location. Students are encouraged to research applicable regulations and employment possibilities in their places of residence.
Career Options
Upon completion of this certificate, the student would be eligible to enter positions such as the following examples.
- Certified Addictions Counsellor (after completion of all CACCF requirements)
- Associate Addictions Counsellor (while completing CACCF requirements)
- Addictions staff member in faith-based ministries and secular organizations
- Addictions program staff: community-based settings such as community services organizations; shelters; and community treatment programs.
- Addictions Intake worker
- Addictions recovery coach
CACCF Certification Process
The certification process with CACCF, after completion of the certificate educational requirements, is as follows.
- When the student has completed one-half of the educational requirements, they may apply to CACCF for designation as an Associate Addictions Counselor (AAC). This is a designation (not certification) for students who are in training towards completing the requirements for future certification.
- Complete the CACCF-required 300 hours of Clinical Supervision in a recovery work setting.
- Complete the CACCF-required 4000 hours of work in addictions counselling. (Notation: The 300 supervised hours and the 4000 work hours do not require the student to finish the academic requirements first. Students are encouraged to volunteer or work in an addictions recovery setting throughout the academic program.)
- Write the CACCF standardized final examination. (A study guide is available.)
- Sign the CACCF Canon of Ethics.
Future Education Possibilities
Completion of this certificate qualifies as the first year of the Rocky Mountain College diploma and degree programs in addictions counselling. Students who complete this certificate can choose to move forward to a diploma or degree in addictions counselling at Rocky Mountain College.
Year Program
Diploma in Human Services - Addictions Counselling
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program requires the successful completion of the Addictions Counselling Certificate before beginning the diploma program which meets the educational requirements for certification with Canadian Addictions Counsellor Certification Federation (CACCF) and the International Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICADC). CACCF is the gold standard certification for addiction-specific counselors in Canada and Internationally and is the current Canadian Addiction Workforce Regulator. Students will learn enhanced skills that will support their work with individuals experiencing a substance use disorder.
Diploma programs in addictions counselling open increased opportunities for positions in programs and agencies that require education and experience beyond the certificate level.
This program is designed for those wishing to work in a secular or faith-based setting and will be taught from a Christian faith-based perspective, recognizing everyone in treatment as being created in God’s image. It will provide the students with additional Biblical training, as well as adding General Arts courses and Addictions Counselling courses. Students will continue to be challenged to serve God with passion and excellence in the field of addictions counseling.
Completion of the Program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled by the student to complete and graduate from this RMC program:
- Successful completion of RMC Addiction Counselling Diploma requirements;
- Evidence a growing, Spirit-directed Christian experience;
- Demonstrated ability to grow, engage with clients, and apply the materials learned;
- Approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty.
Course Requirements:
*These course requirements are representative and appear for informational purposes only. Please consult the Program Director for the most up to date program requirements.
Building on the foundation established by courses in the certificate program, the diploma program requires the following additional courses.
Bible/Theology (15 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- THO100 Christian Theology
General Arts (18 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- LNG180 Academic Writing & Research (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- Select one of two:
- SSC352 Pharmacology (3)
Professional Studies (33 credit hours)
- LDR110 Discipling Others (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- SSC150 Introduction to Addiction Counseling and Treatment Methodologies (3)
- SSC153 Addiction Counseling Skills I (3)
- SSC250 Human Development for Addictions Counseling (3)
- SSC251 Assessment, Screening and Use of Self (3)
- SSC252 Ethics and Behavioral Addictions (3)
- SSC253 Addiction Counseling Skills II (3)
- SSC351 Case Management, Grief and Relational Violence (3)
- FE132 Field Education I (1)
- FE232 Field Education II (1)
- SSC200 Addictions Counseling Practicum I (2)
- SSC300 Addictions Counseling Practicum II (2)
Profile of a Graduating Student with the Addiction Counselling Diploma
A graduating student will:
- Demonstrate continued growth in understanding of the impact of a substance use disorder;
- Demonstrate a respectful style of interaction with clients, recognizing they are in a position of privileng when the client shares their personal story with the counselor;
- Have a clear understanding of confidentiality in all client interactions as well as the ethical treatment of individuals;
- Master additional therapeutic modalities and techniques;
Upon completion of this certificate, the student will have the educational requirements to enter the certification process with the Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation (CACCF) for the Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor (CCAC) designation; and designation as an International Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICADC).
CACCF is the recognized certifying agency for addictions counselors in Canada. ICADC is administered through CACCF.
Provinces and U.S. States each regulate counselling and addictions treatment programs. Regulations vary from location to location. Students are encouraged to research applicable regulations and employment possibilities in their places of residence.
CACCF Certification Process
The certification process with CACCF, after completion of the certificate educational requirements, is as follows.
- When the student has completed one-half of the educational requirements, they may apply to CACCF for designation as an Associate Addictions Counselor (AAC). This is a designation (not certification) for students who are in training towards completing the requirements for future certification.
- Complete the CACCF-required 300 hours of Clinical Supervision in a recovery work setting.
- Complete the CACCF-required 4000 hours of work in addictions counselling. (Notation: The 300 supervised hours and the 4000 work hours do not require the student to finish the academic requirements first. Students are encouraged to volunteer or work in an addictions recovery setting throughout the academic program.)
- Write the CACCF standardized final examination. (A study guide is available.)
- Sign the CACCF Canon of Ethics.
Career Path Options
Diploma graduates have employment possibilities in a wide range of agencies and programs that serve addictions and mental health services.
- Child and Youth services
- Alcohol and Drug Treatment Programs
- Group Homes, Community Shelters
- Family Social Services Agencies
- Victims Services Programs
- Restorative Justice Programs
Future Education Possibilities
Completion of this diploma qualifies as the second year of the RMC Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree program. This diploma allows the student to continue into the BA degree program.
Upon completion of this diploma, the student is immediately eligible to apply for the Associate Addictions Counselor designation with CACCF, if they did not apply following completion of the certificate program, which is valid for 5 years while you complete the other requirements for full certification.
Diploma In Human Services
62 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program gives the student the opportunity to expand his or her counseling skills.
Course Requirements:
*These course requirements are representative and appear for informational purposes only. Please consult the Program Director for the most up to date program requirements.Bible/Theology (15 Credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
General Arts (18 Credits)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH374 Leadership Principles (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- LNG180 Academic Writing & Research (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- SSC284 Social Science Research (3)
Professional Studies (29 Credits)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- SSC293 Developmental Psychology (3)
- SSC295 Abnormal Psychology (3)
- SSC330 Theoretical Approaches in Human Services (3)
- SSC340 Skills & Techniques in Human Services (3)
- SSC299 Diploma Practicum (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
Three of the following:
- SSC335 Dealing with Grief & Loss (3)
- SSC382 Community Based Interventions (3)
- SSC384 Substance Abuse & Related Health Issues (3)
- SSC392 Working with Children & Adolescents (3)
- SSC399 Intervening with Families (3)
- SSC497 Working with Groups (3)
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- grow in understanding and application of scripture to life;
- learn the principles and skills of life-long personal spiritual formation and growth;
- advance principles and skills in the fields of counseling and psychology and identify how one can enhance Christian ministry;
- Integrate principles of psychology with Christian thought and practices with a focus on providing counseling services in both church and community settings.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
This program is designed to develop strong individual and group counseling skills at the para-professional level.
Future Education Possibilities
Graduates can apply these credits toward future studies at RMC if desired.
Year Programs
Bachelor of Arts in Human Services - Addictions Counseling
120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program requires the successful completion of the Addictions Counselling Certificate and Diploma before beginning the degree program which meets and exceeds the educational requirements for Canadian Addictions Counsellor Certification Federation (CACCF) and for designation as an International Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor certification. CACCF is the gold standard certification for addiction-specific counselors in Canada and internationally and is the current Canadian Addiction Workforce Regulator. Students will learn enhanced skills that will support their work with individuals experiencing a substance use disorder and frequently co-occurring disorders.
The degree program is designed for those wishing to work in secular or faith-based settings and will be taught from a Christian faith-based perspective, recognizing everyone in treatment as having been created in the image of God. The degree provides the student with additional theological training and General Arts understandings of human cultures and the world. This degree will continue to challenge the student to serve God with passion and excellence in the field of addiction counseling.
Completion of the Program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for the student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- Successful completion of the Rocky Mountain College Addiction Counselling Certificate and Diploma.
- Successful completion of the Addictions Counselling Degree program requirements
- A growing, Spirit-directed Christian experience
- Approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
- Demonstrated ability to continue growth in engaging with clients, and the ability to apply addictions counselling knowledge base and skills.
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- An in-depth understanding of the use of self, therapeutic processes, and integration of faith with psychotherapeutic techniques and presence in counselling.
- Discernment in the use of therapeutic modalities and techniques.
- Competence in conducting assessments and developing a course of treatment.
- Case management and documentation skills.
- Self-management in use of boundaries, confidentiality, and clinical supervision.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Possibilities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services – Addictions Counselling will be qualified to hold responsible positions such as the following.
- Probation or Parole Addictions Counsellor
- Restorative Justice Facilitator – Addictions
- Addictions Program Manager
- Mental Health and Addictions Counsellor (Co-Occurring Disorders)
- Positions within health care treatment programs and facilities
- Case manager within second-stage recovery programs
- Child and Youth Care Counsellor, Addictions
- Behavioral Addictions Counselor
- Addictions Community Educator
Provinces and U.S. States each regulate counselling and addictions treatment programs. Regulations vary from place to place. Students are encouraged to research applicable regulations in their places of residence and future employment.
Future Education Possibilities
With the completion of this degree and 5 years of work experience in the field, the individual would be eligible to continue their career path with continuing education credits specifically in clinical supervision to become a Certified Clinical Supervisor (CACCF designation).
Graduates who wish to pursue a master’s degree in counselling or addiction studies will have the necessary bachelor’s degree to apply to graduate programs.
Course Requirements:
*These course requirements are representative and appear for informational purposes only. Please consult the Program Director for the most up to date program requirements.
Biblical and Theological Studies (30 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- THO100 Christian Theology (3)
- THO300 Salvation and Sanctification (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSPxxx Christian Spirituality Elective (3)*
*indicates an elective of the student's choosing
General Arts (33 credit hours)
- LNG180 Introduction to Academic Writing & Research (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH182 Christian Ethics (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
- SSC352 Pharmacology (3)
- SSC295 Abnormal Psychology (3)
- SSC321 Five Voices: A Ministry Conversation Exploring Indigenous Trauma and Healing (3)
One of:
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
SSC195 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3) - SSC284 Social Science Research (3)
- SSC293 Developmental Psychology (3)
- SSC295 Abnormal Psychology (3)
Professional Studies (57 credit hours)
- LDR110 Discipling Others (3)
- SSC150 Introduction to Addiction Counseling and Treatment Methodologies (3)
- SSC153 Addiction Counseling Skills I (3)
- SSC250 Human Development for Addictions Counseling (3)
- SSC251 Assessment, Screening and Use of Self (3)
- SSC252 Ethics and Behavioral Addictions (3)
- SSC253 Addiction Counseling Skills II (3)
- SSC254 Relational Issues (3)
- SSC350 Trauma and Disordered Eating (3)
- SSC351 Case Management, Grief and Relational Violence (3)
- SSC353 Addiction Counseling Skills III (3)
- SSC354 Expressive Arts,Play Therapy & Forgiveness (3)
- SSC382 Community Based Interventions (3)
- SSC495 Senior Research Project (3)
- SSC496 Advanced Practice (3)
- SSC497 Working with Groups (3)
- FE132 Field Education I (1)
- FE232 Field Education II (1)
- FE332 Field Education III (1)
- SSC200 Addictions Counseling Practicum I (2)
- SSC300 Addictions Counseling Practicum II (2)
- SSC400 Addictions Counseling Practicum III (2)
Bachelor of Arts in Human Services: Counselling Major
120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This major combines studies in the Bible and theology with psychology, sociology, counseling and related disciplines. Students learn foundational clinical skills for working with individuals and groups.
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- increase knowledge of the scriptures and of the theory and practice of ministry;
- integrate principles of psychology and counseling with Christian thought and practice;
- understand the principles of psychology which form the theoretical foundation for the practice of counseling;
- develop individual and group counseling skills for use in human services work environments;
- identify the necessity of receiving supervision, continuing education, and making referrals;
- value and facilitate ethical human services practices.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Possibilities
Students who have completed this degree are well prepared for entry level positions in a wide range of human service agencies. Currently, graduates of this program are working with youth, adults, and families in a variety of clinical and educational settings: group homes, treatment centres, community youth services, correctional services, mental health support services, addiction treatment agencies, women’s shelters, counseling agencies, and church staff positions.
Future Education Possibilities
Although the primary focus of this program of studies is to prepare individuals for entry level positions in human services, some exceptional graduates have been successful in gaining entry to graduate programs in counseling or other human services fields. Graduate admissions are highly competitive, requiring an undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or higher.
Course Requirements:
*These course requirements are representative and appear for informational purposes only. Please consult the Program Director for the most up to date program requirements.
Biblical and Theological Studies (30 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- THO300 Salvation and Sanctification (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSPxxx Christian Spirituality Elective (3)*
*indicates an elective of the student's choosing
General Arts (33 credit hours)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH372 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH374 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH383 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- LNG180 Introduction to Academic Writing & Research (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
One of:
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
SSC195 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3) - SSC284 Social Science Research (3)
- SSC293 Developmental Psychology (3)
- SSC295 Abnormal Psychology (3)
Professional Studies (48 credit hours)
- SSC330 Theoretical Approaches in Human Services (3)
- SSC340 Skills & Techniques in Human Services (3)
- SSC382 Community Based Interventions (3)
- SSC384 Substance Abuse/Related Hlth Iss (3)
- SSC392 Working with Children and Adolescents (3)
- SSC399 Intervening with Families (3)
- SSC495 Senior Research Project (3)
- SSC496 Advanced Practice (3)
- SSC497 Working with Groups (3)
- SSCxxx Social Science Electives(6)*
- SSC499 Counseling Practicum (6)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
- FE 201 Field Education (1)
- FE301 Field Education (1)
Electives (9 credit hours)
*indicates an elective of the student's choosing
Practicum - 6 academic credits
In the 4th year of study, a 600 hour practicum is completed in a local human services agency. Under supervision, the student participates in the day-to-day work of the agency, developing valuable skills in the human services profession. The student is charged for these academic credits.
Bachelor of Arts in Human Services: Child & Youth Care Major
120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
Child and youth care counselors are involved in providing support services to at-risk children, youth, and their families through a broad range of social service agencies. This major combines studies in Bible and theology with courses that prepare graduates for positions in group homes, treatment centres, youth centres, therapeutic foster care programs, community based programs, and family support programs. Knowledgeable and skilled graduates in this field are in demand across Canada and the United States.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Course Requirements:
*These course requirements are representative and appear for informational purposes only. Please consult the Program Director for the most up to date program requirements.Biblical and Theological Studies (30 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I(3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- THO300 Salvation and Sanctification (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSPxxx Christian Spirituality Elective (3)
General Arts (36 credit hours)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH372 Introduction to World Civilizations(3)
- HTH374 Leadership Principles(3)
- HTH383 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- LNG180 Introduction to Academic Writing & Research (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
One of:
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
- SSC195 Introduction to Culural Anthropology (3)
- SSC284 Social Science Research(3)
- SSC293 Developmental Psychology (3)
- SSC298 Adolescent Psychology (3)
- SSC383 Canadian Aboriginal Culture (3)
Professional Studies (54 credit hours)
- SSC282 Social, Environmental & Disabling Issues in Development (3)
- SSC285 Professional Foundations of Child & Youth Care (3)
- SSC330 Theoretical Approaches in Human Services(3)
- SSC340 Skills & Techniques in Human Services (3)
- SSC382 Community Based Interventions (3)
- SSC384 Substance Abuse/Related Health Issues(3)
- SSC392 Working with Children and Adolescents (3)
- SSC399 Intervening with Families(3)
- SSC480 Assessment/Treatment Milieu (3)
- SSC481 Treatment Planning/Interventions (3)
- SSC496 Advanced Practice (3)
- SSC497 Working with Groups (3)
- SSC389 Child & Youth Care Practicum I (3)
- SSC489 Child & Youth Care Practicum II (4)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
- Electives (3 credit hours)
Field Education (1 unit = 100 hours)
Field Education requirements ensure practical experience in the student’s area of study. Field Education units do not have academic credit value but are required for graduation. Tuition is not charged for Field Education units. One unit is required in the second year of the program.
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