Rocky Mountain College is committed to fostering a College environment where interpersonal relationships reflect the command of Jesus Christ to “love one another.”
Consequently, the College recognizes its moral and legal responsibility to protect its students, staff and faculty from harassment and is committed to providing a learning and working environment for all persons that is free from harassment.
The College expects and requires employees and students to conduct themselves in a manner which promotes and protects the best interests and well-being of all members of the College community.
Any College employee or student who subjects a student, employee, parent, College volunteer or supplier or guest, or any member of the public, to personal or sexual harassment or sexual assault may be subject to disciplinary action as is deemed appropriate, up to and including dismissal or termination.
The harassment is more serious if submission to or acceptance of such behaviors is made either an implicit or explicit condition of an individual’s employment or academic status.
Outside contractors, vendors and others who do business with the College, as well as parents, College volunteers and guests to the campus or College functions, are expected to comply with this policy.
Personal Harassment
Personal harassment is any behavior that violates a person’s dignity, respect or physical well-being by:
- Disparaging their age, national or ethnic origin, marital status, religion, gender, disability, race, or physical appearance through verbal or non-verbal behaviors such as, but not limited to: statements, jokes, nicknames, cartoons, notes or letters;
- Causing physical harm without just cause.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual attention and may be verbal, written, graphic or physical. Any conduct which emphasizes the sexuality or gender of an individual and creates an offensive, intimidating, hostile or embarrassing working, learning or living environment is sexual harassment. Examples of sexual harassment behavior include:
- Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions or persistent flirtation, uninvited pressure for dates, or sexual behavior;
- Requests or demands for sexual favors;
- Unnecessary or inappropriate touching of an individual such as: patting, pinching, or repeated brushing against an individual’s body;
- Display of sexually suggestive or pornographic objects or pictures;
- Leering, ogling, excessive staring or whistling at someone’s body;
- Sexual jokes, innuendo or banter;
- Comments about an individual’s body or remarks about their sex life;
- Indecent exposure;
- Other unwelcome behaviors of a sexual nature.
Complaints of Personal and/or Sexual Harassment
- Individuals are often unsure if what they are experiencing is harassment. Students who are unsure if they are the victim of harassment should contact the Vice President Student Life.
- Faculty and staff members should contact their supervisor.
- Individuals who believe they have been the subject of personal and or sexual harassment by a member of the College community should make their objection known to the offender in an attempt to resolve the problem. Sometimes harassment is a matter of miscommunication and if the behavior is unintentional, communicating the discomfort to the offender may be enough to stop it. If resolution is not possible and the person wishes to proceed with a complaint, they should:
- In the case of a student bringing the complaint, inform the Vice President Student Life who shall, if warranted, investigate the matter;
- In the case of an employee bringing the complaint, inform the employee’s supervisor who shall investigate the matter.
- An investigation may be initiated by the President where it is deemed circumstances warrant such investigation.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a serious criminal offense. It refers to assault committed in circumstances of a sexual nature such that the sexual integrity of the victim is violated.
Students or employees who believe they have been sexually assaulted by a member of the college community should immediately report the matter to the President who shall immediately inform the Police.
Important Information
- While it is preferable that objections to harassment be voiced to the offender, it is not a pre-requisite to filing a complaint.
- This policy does not affect an individual’s right to file a complaint with the Human Rights’ Commission, or to inform the Police and seek redress as may be provided under the law.
- There will be no retaliation against a person bringing a justified complaint.
- Complaints made by an employee or student in a malicious, vindictive or deceitful manner shall result in discipline as may be appropriate to the circumstance, up to and including dismissal or termination.
- A person bringing a more serious complaint may be required to make the complaint in writing prior to any investigation of the complaint.
- If the allegation of harassment or sexual assault is proved true, the record of the investigation and final disposition of the matter will be kept in the employee’s or student’s official personnel or student record for a period of at least two years after which the employee or student may request the removal of all related material from their file.
Investigation of a Complaint of Personal or Sexual Harassment
- Upon receipt of a complaint the matter shall be discussed by the investigator with the person making the complaint. If the person wishes to proceed with the complaint, a thorough investigation of the matter shall commence as soon as is reasonable.
- The complaint shall be investigated in such a way as to:
- recognize the severity of the complaint;
- allow due process for all concerned;
- maintain confidentiality;
- protect as much as is possible the reputation of all concerned.
- In the case of a complaint made in writing, a copy of the written complaint shall be provided to the person accused, should the complaint proceed to an investigation.
- Based on the severity of the complaint, the President may, after consultation with the Chairman or Vice-chairman of the College Board of Governors, establish an investigation committee to conduct an investigation and report to the President. The membership of this committee may include representation from the Board of Governors, the Faculty, a governing church or denominational body or other competent person.
Based on the findings of the investigation, appropriate and timely disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or termination, may be taken.
In the case of an employee of the College who is credentialed or licensed by a religious denomination or professional association, and who is confirmed to have committed some form of serious harassment or sexually assaulted someone, the President shall inform the employee’s credentialing or licensing body.
Disciplinary And Judicial Procedures
- All program students shall agree in writing to abide by the Community Responsibilities Agreement.
- Discipline should occur in an arena of love, fostering discipleship and self-discipline.
- Discipline is for the purpose of building integrity. Administration of discipline will proceed through the following steps: establishing a true account of the offence, enabling the individual to assume responsibility and to move to repentance, facilitating a recovery plan which may include close accountability in the context of counseling, and setting appropriate limitations.
Disciplinary Response
Disciplinary action for minor offenses may be exercised by any member of the faculty. Disciplinary action for major offenses such as those involving, but not restricted to, alcohol, improper sexual involvement, criminal activity, or persistent disregard for college standards shall be initiated by the President.
The President may consult with the students’ mentor, coach and church leadership in order to ensure that the students receive restorative discipline within their local church.