Leadership Development
Year Programs
Certificate in Indigenous Studies
(New credential and in process of waiting for loan approval)
Online (25 credit hours)
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program is designed for the student who is interested in the ministry of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples; between all people and God. Students are provided with a critical lens to view and challenge mainstream ideas and assumptions while building foundational and essential skills to prepare them to work collaboratively with Indigenous communities and peoples. Course design and student assessment utilizes a combination of Indigenous and nonindigenous developers and facilitators.
This program helps the student to better understand Indigenous people and communities by exploring the history, experiences, culture, worldview, and spiritual practices of Canadian Indigenous peoples. Students will also explore the incarnational nature of the missio Dei (mission of God) as expressed through Jesus Christ as well as considering their own worldview, prejudices, and calls to action.
Each student will explore an Indigenous ministry context designed to stretch the student to grow in relationship with God and ministry within a mentored setting. This program is designed for those who want to learn more about God and be stretched intellectually and spiritually. This program provides students with an overview of the Bible, understanding of God’s love for Indigenous peoples, a clear perspective on how they can be a part of Christ’s ministry of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and opportunities and the skills to serve God better.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- all academic requirements must be completed
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Bible/Theology (9 Credits)
- BBLBBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- IDS150 Introduction to Christian Ministry with Indigenous Peoples (3)
General Arts (6 Credits)
- HTH190 Indigenous Worldview and Religious Practice (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
Professional Development (10 Credits)
- SSC321 Five Voices: A Ministry Conversation Exploring Indigenous Trauma and Healing (3)
- LDR110 Discipling Others (3)
- LDR210 Specialized Indigenous Ministry (3)
- FE160 Field Education (1)
Profile of a Graduating Student with the Discipleship Certificate
A graduating student will:
- discover and build a personal spiritual life that brings students into intimate relationship with God;
- discover and build strong Christian community among students and with college faculty and staff;
- develop a Christian view of God’s Word, His Kingdom, the Christian faith, and the world around us;
- discover their identity in Christ and develop a healthy self–awareness;
- gain an understanding of issues and subjects which the student wants to explore.
Career Path Options
This program is designed to develop strong volunteers for local church ministries.
Future Education Possibilities
Completion of this certificate qualifies as the first year of all RMC diploma and degree programs. You can use this certificate as the first step in being equipped to serve God if He leads you to continue your training at RMC.
Discipleship - One Year Certificate Program
Online (31 credit hours)
Program Objectives and Outcomes
The Certificate in Christian Discipleship is designed for those who want to learn more about God, to experience the unknown, and be stretched intellectually and spiritually. It is your year to 'be change'! This program provides students with an overview of the Bible and the core teachings, an understanding of how to think and act Christianly, a clear perspective on what God is doing in the world and how they can be part of that, and an opportunity and the skills to connect in deeper ways with God.
If you want to spend a year growing in your understanding of God, this is the program for you. Course Requirements:
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Bible/Theology (15 Credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
General Arts (6 Credits)
Professional Development (10 Credits)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
Profile of a Graduating Student with the Discipleship Certificate
A graduating student will:
- discover and build a personal spiritual life that brings students into intimate relationship with God;
- discover and build strong Christian community among students and with college faculty and staff;
- develop a Christian view of God’s Word, His Kingdom, the Christian faith, and the world around us;
- discover their identity in Christ and develop a healthy self–awareness;
- gain an understanding of issues and subjects which the student wants to explore.
Career Path Options
This program is designed to develop strong volunteers for local church ministries.
Future Education Possibilities
Completion of this certificate qualifies as the first year of all RMC diploma and degree programs. You can use this certificate as the first step in being equipped to serve God if He leads you to continue your training at RMC.
Certificate in Global Leadership – 33 credits
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program provides a foundation for those who are seeking to prepare for crosscultural ministry with a well-established agency that will provide ongoing training and orientation.
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will be able to:
- Demonstrate a personal spiritual relationship with God
- Explain the core tenets of Christian faith and biblical truth
- Assist others in learning the foundational truths of Scripture
- Explain the key beliefs of the major religions of the world
- Relate positively and well with people of other cultures
- Implement effective strategies for transitioning into crosscultural ministry
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
This program is designed to equip people with the knowledge and skills needed to serve as entry-level crosscultural personnel as part of a healthy and dynamic team.
Future Education Possibilities
Completion of this certificate will enable a person to continue into the Diploma in Global Studies or BA in Leadership Development – Global Leadership program.
Course Requirements
Students are required to complete the following requirements in order to earn this certificate:
(Note: Specific agencies may require specific courses where there are choices. Students are advised to check with their desired agency to ascertain which options they may be required to complete.)
Biblical & Theological Studies (15 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels
- BBL220 Pentateuch
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality OR CSP231 Practice of Prayer
- THO100 Introduction to Christian Theology OR IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I
Professional Studies (15 credits)
5 of the following courses:
(Note: Where choices of courses are provided here only one of the courses may be used to fulfill the requirements.)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles
- HTH276 World Religions
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship
- ICS250 Crosscultural Communication
- ICS252 Theological Foundations for Global Studies
- ICS253 Global Ministry Practices
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness OR LDR301 Strategic Leadership
- LDR454 Cultural Intelligence Strategies
Electives (3 credits)
Discipleship - One Year Certificate - Ministry Among the Marginalized (31 credits)
31 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
Hope City Church has partnered with Pathways powered by Rocky Mountain College (RMC) to offer a training program for those ministering among the marginalized. Hope City Church understands marginalized ministry and they have crafted a certificate program, with the help of RMC, that tackles the leadership learning curve related to work with the marginalized community.
Hope City is dedicated to developing leaders for the challenging work of Urban Ministry and Discipleship locally and beyond and will train workers in a combination of classroom (and online) studies and real-world missional ministry, through our strategic partnership with RMC. Courses are open to anyone by registering through RMC.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Course Requirements:
Bible/Theology (12 Credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- Bible/Theo/Christian Spirituality Elective (3)
Leadership/Discipleship (18 Credits)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR230 Leading Ministry Among the Marginalized (3)
2 of the following Leadership Electives (6)
- LDR301 Leadership Stragegies (3)
- LDR311 Team Leadership Theories and Practices (3)
- LDR231 Communicating Effectively (3)
- LDR232 Ministry Leadership Practices (3)
- LDR220 Ministry Among the Marginalized Practicum (3)
Field Education (1Credit)
One Year Certificate Program - EXPERIENTIAL
24 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program combines both experiential-based learning and relevant courses to advance the student’s impact in the ministry environment. This program is designed for the student who is already or is soon to be involved in a ministry setting. We work alongside the student and organization to provide a supportive academic learning plan that is unique to the student or the organization.
Each student will serve in a personalized leadership context designed to stretch the student to grow in relationship with God and ministry within a mentored setting. This program is designed for those who want to learn more about God, experience the unknown, and be stretched intellectually and spiritually. This program provides students with an overview of the Bible, understanding of how to think and act Christianly, clear perspective on how they can be a part of what God is doing, and opportunities and the skills to serve God better.
The courses in this program are all applicable to any other program at RMC. You can, if you sense God calling you, use this certificate as the next step, or the first step, in being equipped to serve God.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- all academic requirements must be completed
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Here are a few examples of partnering organizations that take advantage of this program and allow you to live out the experiential-based learning that is so important to this program.
Course Requirements:
Biblical & Theological Studies (3 credit hours)
General Arts (3 credit hours)
Professional Studies (6 credit hours)
Approved Elective Courses (12 credit hours)
Field Experiences (non-credit)
Profile of a Graduating Student with the Discipleship Certificate
A graduating student will:
- discover and build a personal spiritual life that brings students into intimate relationship with God;
- discover and build strong Christian community among students and with college faculty and staff;
- develop a Christian view of God’s Word, His Kingdom, the Christian faith, and the world around us;
- discover their identity in Christ and develop a healthy self–awareness;
- gain an understanding of issues and subjects which the student wants to explore.
Career Path Options
This program is designed to develop strong volunteers for local church ministries.
Future Education Possibilities
Completion of this certificate qualifies as the first year of all RMC diploma and degree programs. You can use this certificate as the first step in being equipped to serve God if He leads you to continue your training at RMC.
Year Programs
Two-Year Intensive
After consulting with mission agencies, RMC developed a practical program allowing students to quickly gain the skills necessary for entry-level positions in cross cultural ministry. The program is:
- Short- only two years and the last semester is spent overseas - 16 months after you start you are on the field!
- Intense- most options require additional courses in the summer or during the regular semester
- Job-Ready- practical, career-oriented skills are developed
- Biblically & Theologically grounded- You build a solid biblical worldview foundation from which to serve globally
- Partnerships- we have established partnerships with Mount Royal University, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Alberta Bible College to offer most of the career preparation training
- Global- You gain understanding of and experience in living and working in a cross cultural setting
- International- You travel on an extended practicum (up to a year) serving Christ in another country
- Social Justice- As you serve as part of a team, you help to address critical issues such as ignorance, poverty, disease, hunger, and injustice. You are a vital member of a team bringing the hope of Christ to some of the most vulnerable and exploited people of the world.
We have developed partnerships with several institutions in order to offer a wide range of job-ready skills that you could use internationally or locally. Our partners include: SAIT Polytechnic, Mount Royal University, Bow Valley College, Trinity Western University and Alberta Bible College.
There are so many options you can take as part of a Diploma in Global Studies we cannot list them all or give you a program description. The following are examples.
Click here for a list of some (30+) of the potential options.
Click here are some examples of what is required in some of the options.
- Global Child and Youth Care(under revision) prepares you to work with orphans and at-risk youth
- English as a Second Languageprepares you to teach ESL throughout the world
- Project Managementprepares you to be a part of a team which puts ideas into action
- Office Computer and Bookkeepingequips you to provide critical support in an organization's office
- International Community Development(under revision) equips you for work with development agencies and giving you the skills to enrich communities around the world.
- Language Learnersknow how to hear and produce sounds of the world's languages and how to learn to communicate in any language.
- Literacy Internswork with translation teams and local community people, to teach people to read and write their language.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Course Requirements
Biblical & Theological Studies (18 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL250 Applied Hermeneutics in Romans (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
General Arts (18 credits)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH276 World Religions (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
One of:
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- HTH287 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTH288 History of Christianity II (3)
One of:
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
- SSC195 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
Professional Studies (total required credits vary)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- ICS250 Cross cultural Communication (3)
- ICS252 Theological Foundations for Global Studies (3)
- ICS253 Global Ministry Practices (3)
- ICS259 International Practicum (6) (in the area of specialization)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
Note: There are some tracks that are exceptions to these requirements in order to develop specific skills
Diploma in Christian Leadership: Bible and Theology Track
62 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This 2-year program allows you to focus on studying the Bible and learning how to apply it in your life.
Course Requirements:
Biblical & Theological Studies (33 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBLxxx Bible Elective (6)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSPxxx Christian Spirituality Elective (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- THO300 Salvation & Sanctification (3)
General Arts (18 credit hours)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTHxxx History & Thought Electives (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- One of:
- One of:
Professional Studies (11 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
- FE201 Field Education(1)
Profile of a Graduating Student:
A graduating student will:
- demonstrate a solid knowledge of the Bible and its teachings and background;
- be committed to living out their faith in Christ in all they do;
- be able to explain foundational Biblical doctrines;
- demonstrate their commitment to Christ through personal discipleship and sharing their faith;
- possess a wholesome personal view of self and the world;
- understand the direction God has for their life and be committed to pursuing that.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
This program is designed to provide a solid foundation from which people will be prepared to pursue whatever God has for them.
Future Education Possibilities
This program provides courses that can form the first 2 years of other programs at RMC. In some cases foundational courses are required that may result in an extended completion time for a degree.
Diploma in Christian Leadership
Two-year Diploma Program
62 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This diploma builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the first year program, allowing the student to spend some time exploring a choice of ministries. The diploma may be earned with concentrations in an area of professional interest.
Course Requirements:
Biblical & Theological Studies (24 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal & Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
General Arts (18 credit hours)
- COM100 Intro to Communications (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- One of:
Professional Studies (20 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Personal Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR301 Leadership Strategies (3)
- LDR311 Team Leadership Theories & Practices (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- Grow in understanding and application of scripture to life;
- Learn the principles and skills of life-long personal spiritual formation and growth;
- Advance in perception and use of natural ability and spiritual gifts and their relationship to one's spiritual and vocational call from God and ministry in a local congregation;
- Establish inter-cultural contacts and friendships.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
This program is designed to develop strong volunteers for local church ministries.
Future Education Possibilities
Graduates can use this diploma as the first 2 years towards a degree at RMC.
Year Programs
Three-year Degree Program - 90 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This 3 year degree program is intended for individuals who sense God’s call to Christian ministry, or who wish to establish a foundation of Bible and theology on which to build a lay ministry.
Course Requirements
Biblical & Theological Studies (42 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBL3xx/4xx Biblical Electives (9)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSPxxx Christian Spirituality Elective (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- THO300 Salvation & Sanctification (3)
- BBL/CSP/THOxxx Electives (6)
General Arts (36 credit hours)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- HTHxxx Church History Electives (6)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- LNG180 Introduction to Academic Writing & Research (3)
- LNG285 Elementary New Testament Greek I (3)
- LNG286 Elementary New Testament Greek II (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- One of the following:
- LSC100 Introduction to Life Science (3)
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics (3)
- MAT110 College Algebra (3)
- SSC284 Social Science Research (3)
- A Science or Math course transferred from another institution (3)
Professional Studies (12 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
- FE301 Field Education III (1)
Note: A total of 24 credits must be in courses at the 300 or 400 level
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- demonstrate an overall knowledge of the Bible and its background;
- articulate and support one's personal understanding of foundational Biblical doctrines;
- demonstrate commitment to communicating the gospel of Christ through personal discipleship and sharing their faith;
- possess a wholesome personal view of self and the world;
- understand the sense of vocational call and direction from God for a life of professional ministry in congregational and parachurch settings.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
Depending upon a person's maturity and life/ministry experience, graduates with this degree may be prepared for fulltime pastoral ministry or work with a parachurch organization.
Future Education Possibilities
This degree may also lead to admission into various seminaries in Canada and the U.S. If students plan to go to a seminary after this degree, consult with that institution so they can arrange their studies at RMC to meet the seminary's entrance requirements.
Bachelor of Religious Studies: Custom Ministry Track
Three-year Degree Program - 90 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This 3 year degree program is intended for individuals who sense God’s call to Christian ministry, or who wish to establish a foundation of Bible and theology on which to build a lay ministry. This degree permits students to choose from a range of study options to suit their own needs. Students will complete a practicum in their last year of study.
Course Requirements
Biblical and Theological Studies (30 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal and Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- THO300 Salvation & Sanctification (3)
General Arts (30 credit hours)
- COM100 Introduction to Communication (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTh374 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTh380 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTh383 Principles of Philosophy(3)
- HTh387 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTh388 History of Christianity II (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- One of:
- One of:
Professional Studies (30 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
- FE201 Field Education (1)
- FE301 Field Education (1)
- LDR499 Custom Ministry Practicum (6)
- 12 credits of professional courses approved by the VP academic in consultation with relevant Program Coordinator(s)
Note: A total of 24 credits must be in courses at the 300 or 400 level
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- demonstrate an overall knowledge of the Bible and its background;
- articulate and support one's personal understanding of foundational Biblical doctrines;
- demonstrate commitment to communicating the gospel of Christ through personal discipleship and sharing their faith;
- possess a wholesome personal view of self and the world;
- understand the sense of vocational call and direction from God for a life of professional ministry in congregational and parachurch settings.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
Depending upon a person's maturity and life/ministry experience, graduates with this degree may be prepared for fulltime pastoral ministry or work with a parachurch organization.
Future Education Possibilities
This degree may also lead to admission into various seminaries in Canada and the U.S. If students plan to go to a seminary after this degree, consult with that institution so they can arrange their studies at RMC to meet the seminary's entrance requirements.
Bachelor of Religious Studies: Leadership Track
Three-year Degree Program - 90 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program equips students to provide leadership in ministry setting. Providing effective spiritual leadership is challenging, but giving leadership in a ministry setting adds another dimension to the task. This program will equip students as leaders and give them the tools and experience to do so successfully.
Course Requirements:
Biblical and Theological Studies (30 credit hours)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL311 Luke/Acts (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal and Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- THO300 Salvation & Sanctification (3)
General Arts (33 credit hours)
- COM100 Intro to Communication (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- HTH287 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTH288 History of Christianity II (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
- One of:
- SSC284 Social Science Reseach
- LSC100 Intro to Life Science
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics
- MAT110 College Algebra
- A science or math course transfered form another institution
Professional Studies (27 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- Core Leadership Courses (21 credits)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR301 Leadership Strategies (3)
- LDR311 Team Leadership Theories & Practices (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
- FE201 Field Education (1)
- FE301 Field Education (1)
- Relevant Leadership Practicum -minimum 600 hours (6)
Note: A total of 24 credits must be in courses at the 300 or 400 level
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- demonstrate an overall knowledge of the Bible and its background;
- articulate and support one's personal understanding of foundational Biblical doctrines;
- demonstrate commitment to communicating the gospel of Christ through personal discipleship and sharing their faith;
- possess a wholesome personal view of self and the world;
- understand the sense of vocational call and direction from God for a life of professional ministry in congregational and para-church settings.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
Depending upon a person’s maturity and life / ministry experience, graduates with this degree may be prepared for full– time pastoral ministry or work with a para–church organization.
Future Education Possibilities
This degree may also lead to admission into various seminaries in Canada and the U.S. If students plan to go to a seminary after this degree, consult with that institution so they can arrange their studies at RMC to meet the seminary's entrance requirements.
Year Programs
Bachelor of Arts in Theology: Bibical Studies Major
Four-year Degree Program - 120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
The Biblical Studies major is designed to provide a good foundation in the Christian scriptures, including matters of historical context, literary genre, distinctive themes, and interpretive strategies. Attention is given to relating the study of the Bible to Christian theology and Church history, as well as to the broad range of human experience and thought. The goal throughout is to help students integrate learning with personal faith and life.
Course Requirements
Biblical and Theological Studies (54 credit hours)
Bibical Studies (42 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBL412 Gospel of John (3)
- BBL414 Greek Exegesis (3)
- BBL417 New Testament Backgrounds (3)
- BBL418 Research in Biblical Studies (6)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective-minimum of 6 credits in Old Testament (12)
Theological Studies (12 credits)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSPXxx Christian Spirituality Elective (3)
- IDS100 Christian Faith & Practice I (3)
- THO300 Salvation & Sanctification (3)
General Arts (39 credit hours)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy(3)
- HTH287 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTH288 History of Christianity II (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- LNG180 Introduction to Academic Writing & Research (3)
- LNG285 Elementary New Testament Greek I (3)
- LNG286 Elementary New Testament Greek II (3)
- LNG383 Intermediate Greek (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology(3)
- One of:
- SSC284 Social Science Reseach
- LSC100 Intro to Life Science
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics
- MAT110 College Algebra
- A science or math course transfered form another institution
Professional Studies (12 credit hours)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
- FE201 Field Education (1)
- FE301 Field Education (1)
Electives (15 credits)
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
Graduating students with a major in Biblical Studies will have a good foundational knowledge of the Old and New Testaments which includes:
- knowledge of the general storyline of the Bible;
- appreciation for the unique genres in the Bible, together with familiarization with the distinctive contents of biblical books from each genre;
- comprehension of the distinctive character and primary features of nascent Christianity as reflected in the New Testament;
- skill in the practice of biblical interpretation together with knowledge of the principal issues in the history of scriptural study.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Development - Youth Leadership Major
Four Year Degree Program - 120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This major is designed to prepare the student to disciple and nurture young people in the 21st century. This newly revised program equips students to provide leadership in youth ministry initially, but also to be able to grow into other leadership roles over time. There is much more to leading youth ministry than just knowing your Bible and being able to preach/teach young people – although those are important aspects.
Effective youth ministry involves leading a team of people to impact young people in a variety of different ways and events. This program equips students with a solid knowledge of the Bible and how to properly understand it as well as develop their understanding and skills in leadership and their spiritual character. In addition, students have the opportunity to gain experience through a one-year practicum and to be mentored by current youth leaders who understand how to develop other leaders and teach them how to live life as a youth pastor.
Field Education units are an integral part of this program. The student observes and experiences various ministries in the first year and then gets involved in increasing levels of leadership during their second and third years all while being mentored. This real-world experience prepares them for the final year where they serve in ministry at least half-time for the full year and get a complete experience in pastoral leadership – again with a mentor to guide them through the journey.
Course Requirements:
Biblical and Theological Studies (36 credit hours)
Biblical Studies (24 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Penteteuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL311 Luke/Acts (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
Theological Studies (6 credits)
Christian Spirituality (6 credits)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal and Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
General Arts (36 credit hours)
- COM100 Introduction to Communication (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- HTH287 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTH288 History of Christianity II (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- SSC298 Adolescent Psychology (3)
- One of:
- SSC284 Social Science Reseach
- LSC100 Intro to Life Science
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics
- MAT110 College Algebra
- A science or math course transfered form another institution
Professional Studies (45 credit hours)
Core Leadership Courses (21 credits)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR301 Leadership Strategies (3)
- LDR311 Team Leadership Theories and Practices (3)
- LDR402 Leadership Capstone Course (3)
- FE101 Field Education (1)
- FE201 Field Education (1)
- FE301 Field Education (1)
Youth Leadership Specialization (24 credits)
- LDR411 Communications to Youth (3)
- LDR412 Youth Leadership Foundations (3)
- LDR413 Youth Leadership Practices (3)
- LDR434 Pastoral Care (3)
- LDR419 Youth Leadership Practicum (12)
Electives (3 credit hours)
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- understand and have an appreciation for the central doctrines of the Christian faith and an ability to articulate them clearly;
- sense the urgency of the biblical imperative to disciple youth leaders, parents and teenagers in their relationship with Jesus;
- formulate a biblical philosophy of youth ministry enabling the student to critically evaluate and apply various models of youth ministry as required;
- give evidence of suitable character with respect to ministry;
- give evidence of ministry passion, gifting, calling and relational skills;
- demonstrate realistic understanding of the personal and professional life of a pastor;
- acquire evident personal knowledge and skills of leadership;
- acquire an understanding of biblical education which can be adapted to the needs and characteristics of adolescents within the changing North American subculture;
- exhibit effective formal and informal communication skills with adolescents;
- exercise counseling skills related to the specific needs of youth and parents within our current culture.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
Graduates are prepared to serve as full-time youth pastors in a local church, with para-church organizations such as Youth for Christ, Young Life, Campus Crusade for Christ.
Future Education Possibilities
This degree program provides students with a foundation for the pursuit of graduate studies in a variety of Christian fields.
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Development - Pastoral Leadership Major
Four Year Degree Program - 120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program equips students to provide leadership in ministry. The role of a pastor is to "equip God's people to do his work" (Eph. 4:11 NLT) not to do all the ministry. There is much more to leading churches to effectiveness for the Kingdom than just knowing your Bible and being able to preach/teach – although those are important aspects. This program equips students with a solid knowledge of the Bible and how to properly understand it as well as develop their understanding and skills in leadership and their spiritual character. In addition, students have the opportunity to gain experience through a one-year practicum and to be mentored by leaders who understand how to develop other leaders and teach them how to live life as a pastor.
Course Requirements
Biblical and Theological Studies (36 credit hours)
Biblical Studies (24 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL311 Luke/Acts (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
Theological Studies (6 credits)
Christian Spirituality (6 Credits)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal and Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
General Arts (36 credit hours)
- COM100 Introduction to Communication (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy(3)
- HTH287 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTH288 History of Christianity II (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- SSC193 Principles of Psychology (3)
- SSC194 Principles of Sociology (3)
- One of:
- SSC284 Social Science Reseach
- LSC100 Intro to Life Science
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics
- MAT110 College Algebra
- A science or math course transfered form another institution
Professional Studies (45 credit hours)
Core Leadership Courses (21 credits)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR301 Leadership Strategies (3)
- LDR310 Team Leadership Theories & Practices (3)
- LDR402 Leadership Capstone Course (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
- FE301 Field Education III (1)
Pastoral Leadership Specialization (24 credits)
- LDR431 Homiletics (3)
- LDR432 Pastoral Leadership Foundations (3)
- LDR433 Pastoral Leadership Practices (3)
- LDR434 Pastoral Care (3)
- LDR439 Pastoral Leadership Practicum (12)
- Electives (3 credit hours)
Field Education
Field Education units are an integral part of this program. The student observes and experiences various ministries in the first year and then gets involved in increasing levels of leadership during their second and third years all while being mentored. This real-world experience prepares them for the final year where they will serve in ministry at least half-time for the full year and get a complete experience in pastoral leadership – again with a mentor to guide them through the journey.
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- give evidence of suitable character with respect to minstry;
- give evidence of ministry passion, gifting, calling and relational skills;
- demonstrate realistic understanding of the personal and professional life of a pastor;
- acquire evident personal knowledge and skills of leadership;
- demonstrate a strong grounding in general Bible knowledge and in the historic and cultural backgrounds of the Bible;
- demonstrate skills in the interpretation, application, and communication of biblical truth;
- articulate and support a personal understanding and application of Christian doctrine;
- demonstrate a personal commitment to evangelism.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
Most often, this major is a graduate’s first step towards work in an associate or senior pastor role in a local church setting.
Future Education Possibilities
This degree program provides the student with a foundation for graduate studies in various Christian fields.
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Development - Specialized Leadership Major
Program Objectives and Outcomes
The Specialized Leadership Major provides opportunity for individuals who have established professional credentials in another field to build expertise in Bible and theology and application of Christian faith to personal and ministry life and practice.
Course Requirements:
Biblical and Theological Studies (36 credit hours)
Biblical Studies (24 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL311 Luke/Acts (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
Theological Studies (6 credits)
Chrisitan Spirituality (6 credits)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal and Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
General Arts (36 credit hours)
- COM100 Introduction to Communication (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTH272 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTH274 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTH283 Principles of Philosophy (3)
One of:
- HTH287 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTH288 History of Christianity II (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- One of:
- SSC284 Social Science Reseach
- LSC100 Intro to Life Science
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics
- MAT110 College Algebra
- A science or math course transfered form another institution
Approved General Arts Courses (9 credits)
Professional Studies (48 credit hours)
Core Leadership Courses (27 credits)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR301 Leadership Strategies (3)
- LDR310 Team Leadership Theories & Practices (3)
- LDR402 Leadership Capstone Course (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
- FE301 Field Education III (1)
- LDR429 Specialized Leadership Practicum (6)
Leadership Specialization (21 credits)
- Approved courses in specialization from RMC or another institution (21)
Practicum may be required if a student does not have sufficient practical background
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- demonstrate a grounding in the Bible and its background, and commitment to a lifetime of study;
- articulate and support a personal understanding of major biblical doctrines;
- understand and exemplify Christian growth and maturity in personal, congregational, and professional life settings;
- demonstrate personal knowledge and skills of leadership;
- advance in perception and use of natural ability and spiritual gifts and their relationship to one’s vocation and ministry.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Future Education Possibilities
This degree program provides the student with a foundation for graduate studies in various Christian fields.
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Development - Global Leadership Major
Four Year Degree Program - 120 credit hours
Program Objectives and Outcomes
This program equips students to provide leadership in ministry cross culturally. Providing effective spiritual leadership in one's own culture is challenging, but giving leadership to people of another cultural group adds another dimension to the task. This program will equip students as leaders and give them the tools and experience to do so inter-culturally.
There is much more to leading churches to effectiveness for the Kingdom than just knowing your Bible and being able to preach/teach – although those are important aspects. This program equips students with a solid knowledge of the Bible and how to properly understand it as well as develop their understanding and skills in leadership and their spiritual character. In addition, students have the opportunity to gain experience through a one-year practicum and to be mentored by leaders who understand how to develop other leaders and teach them how to live life as a Christian leader in another culture.
Course Requirements:
Biblical and Theological Studies (36 credit hours)
Biblical Studies (24 credits)
- BBL100 Introduction to the Bible (3)
- BBL211 Synoptic Gospels (3)
- BBL220 Pentateuch (3)
- BBL310 Biblical Hermeneutics (3)
- BBL311 Luke/Acts (3)
- BBL314 Pauline Epistles I (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
- BBLxxx Biblical Studies Elective (3)
Theological Studies (6 credits)
Christian Spirituality (6 credits)
- CSP130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (3)
- CSP350 Personal and Spiritual Development for Leaders (3)
General Arts (36 credit hours)
- COM100 Introduction to Communication (3)
- HTH180 Christian Mind (3)
- HTh372 Introduction to World Civilizations (3)
- HTh374 Leadership Principles (3)
- HTh376 World Religions (3)
- HTh383 Principles of Philosophy (3)
- HTh387 History of Christianity I (3)
- HTh388 History of Christianity II (3)
- ICS150 Global Christian Citizenship (3)
- IDS101 Christian Faith & Practice II (3)
- SSC195 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
- One of:
- SSC284 Social Science Reseach
- LSC100 Intro to Life Science
- MAT100 Basic College Mathematics
- MAT110 College Algebra
- A science or math course transfered form another institution
Professional Studies (45 credit hours)
Core Leadership Courses (21credits)
- LDR100 Discipleship I (3)
- LDR101 Discipleship II (3)
- LDR201 Issues for Leadership Effectiveness (3)
- LDR301 Leadership Strategies (3)
- LDR310 Team Leadership Theories & Practices (3)
- LDR402 Leadership Capstone Course (3)
- FE101 Field Education I (1)
- FE201 Field Education II (1)
- FE301 Field Education III (1)
Specialization (24 credits)
- LDR451 Cross cultural Communication (3)
- LDR252 Theological Foundations of Global Leadership (3)
- LDR453 Global Leadership Practices (3)
- LDR454 Cultural Intelligence Strategies (3)
- LDR459 Global Leadership Practicum 6 months full-time, international (12)
- Electives (3 credit hours)
Field Education
Field Education units are an integral part of this program. The student observes and experiences various ministries in the first year and then gets involved in increasing levels of leadership during their second and third years, in another culture, all while being mentored. This real-world experience prepares them for the final year where they will serve in ministry for a significant period of time (up to a year) and get an in-depth experience in intercultural spiritual leadership – again with a mentor to guide them through the journey.
Profile of a Graduating Student
A graduating student will:
- give evidence of suitable character with respect to ministry;
- give evidence of ministry passion, gifting, calling and relational skills;
- acquire evident personal knowledge and skills of leadership;
- demonstrate a strong grounding in general Bible knowledge and in the historic and cultural backgrounds of the Bible;
- demonstrate skills in the interpretation, application, and communication of biblical truth;
- articulate and support a personal understanding and application of Christian doctrine;
- demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the biblical/theological basis for world evangelism;
- develop a growing passion to be a world Christian and participate in evangelism both at home and abroad;
- discover and grow in cultural sensitivity to members of other cultures and faith communities;
- discover a biblical worldview that enables them to live and minister effectively in a multicultural environment;
- acquire skills and experience necessary to successfully disciple someone from another culture.
Completion of program and Graduation Requirements
The following obligations must be fulfilled for a student to complete and graduate from an RMC program:
- a student needs to complete the last 30 hours at Rocky Mountain College to graduate from diploma and degree programs and the last 15 hours to graduate from certificate programs. PLAR credit does not apply to these minimum requirements
- all academic requirements must be completed
- students are to complete at least 9 hours in Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality at RMC even if they have sufficient transfer hours to cover all Bible/Theology/Christian Spirituality requirements
- a growing Spirit-directed Christian experience
- a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.00 and fulfillment of hour and course requirements.
- students are required to have a G.P.A. of at least 2.30 in course work directly related to their major
- completion of Career Development Workshops
- approval by the Board of Governors upon recommendation of the faculty
Career Path Options
This major prepares graduates for global ministry within North America or beyond. This degree will also help people work in parachurch organizations and social agencies who work inter-culturally in areas of relief, community development, immigration or outreach.
Future Education Possibilities
This degree program provides the student with a foundation for graduate studies in various Christian fields.
Choose theRight Program for You
Not sure which program is the right for you? Explore our options: